OUR MISSION - Advancing community equity through free
academic improvement & housing stability programs
to break the cycle of poverty with love in action.
There is no faith affiliation required to receive services from or serve with UPLIFT.
All are welcome ♥
Meet JeXsi | Success Story
JeXsi is a first generation Jamaican American and Air Force veteran who first experienced homelessness in San Francisco where the cost of living depleted his savings and pushed him out of his apartment. He soon found himself living in his car, showering at the gym, and on rare occasions, would split the cost of hotel stays with other unhoused individuals.
He eventually made his way to San Diego where he had to re-start the process of navigating a new city's system of homelessness support and resources. He describes applying for affordable housing as a never-ending game of phone tag and maze of requirements with dead ends.
Once he reached the maximum allotted hotel stay days, he met one of UPLIFT’s Home Team volunteers, who, within 24 hours of being connected, helped him sign a lease to a new apartment.
Now, JeXsi serves as a Board member for UPLIFT as the organization’s Lived Experience Advisor. He uses his voice and experience to advocate for homeless issues and housing needs in various groups at the local and state level. He's become a licensed Real Estate Agent in the San Diego housing market - we are so proud of him and blessed to have him on our team.
