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Thank you for your interest in tutoring with the Kids At Heart program! The Kids at Heart Program provides tutoring and mentoring services for low-income students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade. Clients can receive virtual tutoring services or in-person tutoring at partnering tutoring sites. Volunteers commit to tutoring one student for a minimum of one hour a week during the academic school year.

Step 1. Fill out the Application Form
If you are enrolling multiple children into the program, please submit one applications per student. All information collected is confidential. Demographic information is only used in aggregate and to inform funders. UPLIFT does not discriminate on the basis of any identity group.

Step 2. Phone Interview with UPLIFT
After submitting this online form, the UPLIFT Student Services Manager will reach out to the guardian to confirm the information. The UPLIFT Student Services Manager will search for an available tutor that will be a good fit and notify the guardian when one has been identified.

Step 3. Complete the Student Assessment & Schedule Tutoring
When a tutor has been identified to work with the student, the UPLIFT Student Services Manager will schedule a student reading assessment, and coordinate the start date for tutoring.

Student Information

Primary Guardian Information

Tutoring Preferences: UPLIFT matches clients seeking services with the most appropriate volunteer available. This section involves your preferences as a client. Please select all that apply. These preferences are compared with volunteer preferences and are not guaranteed.

Which days of the week are you free for tutoring?
What times are you free for tutoring?
What subjects does the student need tutoring in?

Emergency Contact Information

CLIENT TERMS OF SERIVCE: Please check each box corresponding to each statement, agreeing to the UPLIFT Client Terms of Service, and provide an electronic signature.

I agree to the following:
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